Risultati sintetici Catalogo Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Scienze Lettere Ricerca: Fondo Fabio Padoa Schioppa >> Lingua = inglese Risultati: 11-20 di (210) 11. OʹToole, Christopher Alien empire : an exploration of the lives of insects / Christopher O'Toole London : BBC books, 1995 Monografia - Testo a stampa [MIL1033657] 12. More, Thomas <1478-1535> Utopia / Thomas More ; translated with an introduction by Paul Turner Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1983 Monografia - Testo a stampa [MIL1033772] 13. Williams, Gwyn Turkey : a traveller's guide and history / Gwyn Williams London : Faber and Faber, 1967 Monografia - Testo a stampa [MIL1033808] 14. Giarini, Orio Project on the employment dilemma and the future of work : draft report / Orio Giarini, Patrick M Liedtke, Club of Rome [S.l.] : Club of Rome, 1996 Monografia - Testo a stampa [MIL1033959] 15. #27;HThe #27;I bulletin 1967-1968 : the general catalogue issue Cambridge (Massachusetts) : Massachusetts Institute of technology, 1968 Monografia - Testo a stampa [MIL1034029] 16. Hauser, Richard #27;HThe #27;Ifraternal society / Richard and Hephzibah Hauser London : Bodley Head, 1962 Monografia - Testo a stampa [UM10173302] 17. Nader, Ralph Action for a change : a studentʼs manual for public interest organizing / by Ralph Nader and Donald Ross ; with Brent English and Joseph Highland New York : Grossman publishers, 1971 Monografia - Testo a stampa [TO00850781] 18. The East African institute of social and cultural affairs Racial and communal tensions in East Africa / The East African institute of social and cultural affairs Nairobi : East African Publishing, 1966 Monografia - Testo a stampa [RMS2188094] 19. Hawking, Stephen #27;HA #27;Ibrief history of time : from the big bang to black holes / Stephen W. Hawking ; introduction by Carl Sagan ; Illustrations by Ron Miller Toronto [etc.] : Bantam books, 1988 Monografia - Testo a stampa [MOD0313368] 20. Koestler, Arthur #27;HThe #27;Iheel of Achilles : essays 1968-1973 / Arthur Koestler London : Hutchinson, 1974 Monografia - Testo a stampa [UFE1019562]